Profile of the Membership of the OBA
The OBA has currently more than 400 Life members. The focus remains on getting more life members to avoid problems in collecting annual subscriptions. The membership is diverse covering different ages and vocations However it is note that there is a dearth of younger old boys as members which needs to be addressed.
Similarly, this is becoming increasingly evident in the profile of the members of the Management Committees through the years wherein the Committee members come from the old boys who left school between 1955 and 1975. This shows the younger old boys are not only reluctant to become members of the association but they are also not keen to serve in the Committee.
Given the profile of the membership and the reluctance of younger old boys to join the OBA or serve in the Management Committee and its sub-committees it is heartening to note the passion and commitment displayed b those old boys who served and continue actively to serve in the Committee and shoulder on with the tasks in the cause of the OBA and the school thereby ensuring that the OBA will continue on..
In this regard the number of years served and continue to be served by some of the members in various positions in the Committee through the years are reflective of this commitment and belief in the cause of the OBA. Mr.Stephen Samuel who was elected to the 1st Committee elected in 1959 remains 50 years later in the Committee till today during which time he has held several positions including that of Vice President. Mr. Chan Weng Chiu served 23 years in the Committee, 21 of them as President Datuk P.Venugopal has been in the Committee for 45 years since 1965 including 28 years as President. Another long-serving Committee member is Mr.R.Ramalingam who has been in the Committee since 1972 of which he has held the position of Secretary since 1974. The late Mr.V.Sivaji who was popularly known a Mr.OBA served the Committee over 25 years from 1962 until his untimely demise. There are several other committee members such as Mr.Chung Chee Kin, who have served more than 15 years.